Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our last few days in Honiara have been sweet amongst the packing.  We reached "critical mass" yesterday as our bags maxed out on their weight allowance.  Nothing else can go in the bags - sad.  So many beautiful things to bring back, but alas, many things must stay in Honiara.

Last night, our colleagues held a potluck and prayed for us.  We played a fun game where everyone had two clues.  One clue was a question and one clue was the answer to another question.  For example,

Q:  The Paula Deen rivals of the southern hemisphere, the Choates buy a lot of these two foods. 

A:  butter and cream

Q:  Joanna once cooked a "bin for swim" for dinner, believing it to be this vegetable

A: zucchini

Q:  They buy this food at market that most SITAG people don't buy in order to build relationships

A. shellfish

Hmmmm, lots of the questions revolved around food.

This morning, we drove to the market and then to tell Ofoaen goodbye.  I didn't cry!  She has some growths that the doctor biopsied last week.  We are waiting for the results to come back from Australia - a wait of at least six weeks.  I would really appreciate your prayers for this dear friend.

After we left Ofoaen, we swung by the post office with the last of our thank you cookies for them, then ran a few more errands before we headed home.  Now, we are doing the last cleaning and making sure that the bags are the right weight.  Back to work...

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