Sunday, March 16, 2014

Kosco, flour, and Hamantaschen

Yesterday morning, some friends swung by the wharf to check on the Kosco for us and reported that the ship was still planning to leave at 9 p.m. to head out West.  So last night, we took Aaron down to the wharf yet again, and again we came back home with him because the ship changed its schedule.  I'm not terribly disappointed!  This morning when it was good and light outside, Aaron drove down to the ship to talk to the crew and discover the day's plan.  Nobody was there, so he went back again around noon.  The ship's hold still isn't full, so now they are saying maybe Monday, maybe Tuesday.  We are practicing our flexibility.

From the Choate Bakery...I needed to buy more flour this weekend.  Sarah enjoyed a baking extravaganza Friday afternoon while Aaron and I were in town.  She amazes me with her gifts in the kitchen, and she helps out so much!  After an accidental doubling of The Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls, an intentional doubling of banana bread, walnut wheat loaf to go with the soup for supper, and the lime pound cake for dessert, we ran out of flour. 
Yesterday when I asked for a 10 kg bag of flour, the store was out.  So I asked for two 5 kg bags of flour.  Out of those as well.  So, I could either go home with a little bit plastic bag of expensive flour I scooped up from the bin, or I could purchase a cost-effective 25 kg bag of flour.  I came home with the big bag and now we have two buckets of flour in the deep freezer (getting rid of any potential bugs) and two big canisters in the pantry for immediate use.

Sarah put the flour to good use today and made chocolate Hamantaschen to celebrate Purim.  Delicious as always, and fun to share, too.  We're extra thankful that Aaron is still around to enjoy the cookies with us.


Cindy said...

Wow! Sarah really does need to own a bakery!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, she is really blossoming into quite the baker! Very fun to hear about all Sarah's kitchen adventures.


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Well, hurray for your flexibility - and for having Aaron around for a few more days ;D

Now, to click that link for chocolate hamantaschen...


The dB family said...

Sarah and Natascha (Peach) would have a grand time baking together. Glad Aaron can be around yet, enjoying the lovelies from the kitchen. Learning to be flexible can be hard work. Hang in there, my friend!