Friday, September 20, 2024

Off to the Solomon Islands

"Your life will contribute to a grand and wonderful story no matter what you do. You have been spoken. You are here, existing, choosing, living, shaping the future and carving the past."
~N.D. Wilson, "Death by Living"

As soon as Katherine's concert finished, we turned all of our attention to getting the last things packed in suitcases for Aaron and Katherine's return to the Solomon Islands. They were going to attend SITAG's Conference and to stick around for a couple of weeks afterward to work with the Lavukaleve translation team. Several other families would also be arriving, and two of Katherine's friends would also be coming with their families for the meetings.

The other big bonus on this trip was that Sarah was joining their flight path in Los Angeles and would be leading the kids' program in Honiara while the adults were in meetings. Sarah wouldn't stay the entire month because of work commitments, but she and her team brought extra joy to this trip.

One of my favorite things about SITAG's Conference is the team reports, when each family gives a brief update and then everyone gathers around to pray for the family. 

I joined via Zoom each day for the worship time. Watching my hubby lead the music from the future was a little bit surreal!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

More January 2024

Katherine's hair was finally long enough to donate, 

so she got it cut, and we mailed the hair to Wigs for Kids. The envelope included the hair I had cut in July along with her lustrous braids.

We celebrated our traditional Epiphany by watching twelve-year-old Aaron sing Amahl. We also tried a new recipe, high protein cheesecake. We put ours in ramekins, which made it easier to find the ceramic Baby Jesus.

Aaron's mom found Baby Jesus, so she got the prize!

On January 13, our proposal-versary, Connor asked Olivia to marry him. He chose that date because of its significance to our family, annnnnd because they were already going to a concert that included a Brahms symphony.

We've had more snow this year than I remember having any other year!

Taking crunchy walks around the neighborhood quickly became one of my favorite things to do.

Snow added joy to a chemo treatment!

And gave us opportunities for mini-dates :)

Katherine continued to plug away with chemistry.

The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Youth Ensembles held its "side by side" concert. Katherine got to play alongside my cello teacher, Rafael, and his wife, Susan. They opened their home to Aaron and me every Saturday morning. Early. Our lessons began at 7:30 and went until 9:30, when we drove to our youth orchestra rehearsal. They were formative in the shaping of our musicianship as well as how I run my home cello studio now.

Which leads to joy of watching some of my students participate in the youth orchestras. These guys are dedicated members of their orchestras, and it's so fun to watch them grow as musicians.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hello, January 2024


We kicked off 2024 by meeting Connor and Olivia at the trailhead for Hawksbill Crag.

We took a thermos of hot chocolate and some chocolate chip cookies (my mama's recipe, of course!).

In January, I started washing my hair again, with real shampoo!

Chemo continued, thankfully, in its less caustic, shorter doses.

Also the first week in January, I finished my radiation treatments with the most wonderful and kind team at CARTI.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Between Christmas and New Year's

Hannah and Benjamin left to enjoy Christmas in Des Moines with her family, and the house got quieter,

but we kept soaking up every moment, knowing that life would go back to normal soon, as we scattered back to our various homes.

Aaron's dad had his leg amputated shortly before Christmas, so made a trip up to Fort Smith to spend some time with that side of the family.

We continued to make lots of music. Even with my neuropathy damaged fingers, I still love filling the house with song. 

We tried a fun, Star Wars themed coffee shop in North Little Rock: The Dark Side.

After the older girls left, we consoled ourselves with friends and climbed up Pinnacle Mountain.

The day was beautiful, and we enjoyed finishing 2024 strong in body as we climbed and strong in heart surrounded by community.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Christmas 2023

With all of our kids home, plus one extra friend, our house was full of joy and laughter and Christmas celebration.

We played many games.

We took daily walks.

Aaron even found mistletoe on one of the walking trails.

So he picked a sprig, and we tried it out before we took it home to hang over the doorway.

Group photos made our personalities shine.

But we did get a nice shot of everyone together after church on Christmas morning.

Then the festivities really began as we opened our home to extended family.

We're so grateful to live nearby so many of our family members

and to have the opportunity to spend time with them.

We went Christmas caroling,

played more games,

reveled in the hugs,

ate delicious food like gingerbread waffles,

and tried to soak up every possible minute

with these amazing humans God has given us.