Saturday, March 22, 2014


One of the things I get to do while we are in Honiara is go shopping for teams who are arriving in Honiara.  Today, we have a family of six arriving on a ship, and Tuesday, we have eleven people arriving on two different flights.  So, I get to have fun putting the requested "welcome food" in several houses over the next few days.

My first stop was at Honiara's Hot Bread Kitchen to buy six loaves of bread.  As Sarah and I stood in line, I glanced at the large list of options.  Most of them aren't available regularly, but I found one type that made me smile on this hot, sunny, and humid day.

Anybody want a "plain sweat bun"?


Herding Grasshoppers said...

I'm sure in Honiara i would be sweating! But I think I'd rather have a SWEET bun ;D


Leslie said...

Haha...I think I'll pass on that. It'll leave more for everyone else. :) I'm curious how long the line is in a place like that.

The dB family said...

Lol! That's great! I love how things can be so simply confused in translation.