Saturday, September 14, 2019


I recently downloaded "Falling Free" on my Kindle, and I'm slowly chewing my way through it.  Vulnerability isn't a new topic for me.  But it's obviously one I still need to visit.  The last two Fridays in a row, I've had very public culinary disasters!  

The first kitchen fail was rock hard potatoes and almost raw (and very tough) chicken when I was trying to nourish a family whose mama was fighting malaria.  They were very gracious, and we still enjoyed visiting during supper.  The second disaster was caramel corn that overcooked, so the syrup was grainy.  The bowl still emptied quickly (I actually couldn't keep my own sticky hand out!) while our SITAG family played games.  And nobody complained.  

Now we have funny stories to share and to build our community, because I didn't have time or energy to cook something else for supper last week, and there was no way I was going to toss that precious popcorn yesterday.  Vulnerability certainly does glue us together into a community.  I urge you to try it and see for yourselves.

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