Saturday, December 5, 2020

Standing on Holy Ground

 "The practice of paying attention awakens us to what is extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary.  As we live our lives in humble response to the One who is calling to us out of the burning bush in our own lives, we discover that we are standing on holy ground more often than we think."  

-Ruth Haley Barton, "Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership"

Looking back at the week we've just completed, I want to pay attention and remember some of the small moments of joy.  Maybe they are "holy ground" moments, too, simply because they are sweet gifts from the Lord.  

Moments of celebrating the amazing creation of hard working and kind Betsy as we sang happy birthday and lit a candle in her honor.

Moments of realizing we don't live in a place where we can obtain carnations for the traditional food coloring science experiments.  So Katherine walked outside and found the next best thing, an orchid.  She didn't even know that this lovely flower is a rare treasure in most places around the world.

Moments where we get to borrow little ones for the morning.  Observing their delight in measuring ingredients for Christmas cookies, their fright at the noise the mixer makes, and their delight in tasting the dough.

Certainly extraordinary moments in the midst of our ordinary.

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