Sunday, March 13, 2022

JBU Crew


Sometimes we have the opportunity to cheer on our JBU crew in person, and sometimes we have to cheer from afar.

In mid-February, JBU's Music and Theater department performed "Babbette's Feast", and three of our favorites worked long and hard behind the scenes to produce an excellent show.

Since we didn't have a place to call home during the day of the performance, one of Benjamin's professors and his wife opened up their home for us to comfortably relax.  And we discovered that their dog really loved Aaron.

One of our favorite parts of going up to JBU to watch their productions is helping break down the set afterward.


These hardworking students know what they are doing!  They wield power tools and muscles, 

and they allow us to come alongside them to help and visit.

Many hands DO make light work.

And for the performances that we will inevitably miss, we're thankful for livestream options and for friends who send pictures and videos.

We weren't able to attend the new composer's concert, but we cheered from afar as two of Benjamin's pieces premiered: a duet for prepared piano that he and Olivia performed, and a choral piece using Psalm 22 as the text.  

Several of our adopted Choate kids also premiered compositions, and it's such a joy to watch these guys grow and mature as musicians.

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