Thursday, July 7, 2022

May Days

 "With our own kids, if we are parents, what's our job?  That question could be answered with a hundred valid responses.  But at the center, our job is to show our kids that even our best love is a shadow of a greater love.  To put a sharper edge on it: to make the tender heart of Christ irresistible and unforgettable.  Our goal is that our kids would leave the house at eighteen and be unable to live the rest of their lives believing that their sins and sufferings repel Christ."  

~Dane Ortland, "Gentle and Lowly"

We celebrated Mother's Day in conjunction with graduation.  Our moms are super sweet, and we talked to them ahead of time about the full weekend.  Early that morning, I enjoyed a beautiful time to move my body,

as well as some Jesus and coffee time in our Air B&B with this lovely mug that matches the art in my bedroom back home.

The biggest gift was going to church with this crew.

And hanging out together after lunch.

We even got to do one of our favorite things: make some music together.

After the whirlwind of that first weekend, things settled down a little bit, but we still had plenty of reasons to celebrate and find joy.  My birthday buddy, Gayly, came through town to help her daughter move out of the dorm.  She took the time to stop and have coffee with me!

We finally put seedlings in our raised beds, and Katherine found a friend.

Youth orchestra rehearsals continued each Saturday morning, a treasure indeed for our girl.

One of my other May birthday buddies and I continued our tradition of strawberry trifle as we rejoiced in God's gift of another year.

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