Wednesday, November 18, 2009



When we moved into this house in Marulaon, the family who lived here before us blessed us by the many things they left.  We found dishes and linens, toys and schoolbooks, and chalkboards.  Who knew that plain, unassuming chalkboards would be such a blessing!?!  We didn't paint them or decorate them, we just hung one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen/dining/living area. 


One of the lessons I learned last year during our village living stay in Papua New Guinea was the importance of surrounding ourselves with scripture.  I have written in my Bible beside Psalm 19, "If our home is to be a life-nurturing place, then it must be filled with scripture.  If we are to be life nurturing (for ourselves and others) then we must be filled with scripture."


The bathroom chalkboard displays our "to-do" list for the day, as well as a Bible verse or a poem.  Yesterday, my list looked like this (but I didn't finish it all, as usual):

-plant bell pepper seeds

-make yogurt

-wash throw rugs

-fix green bean poles

-wash front louvers

-sweep and mop

-make banana cake for market

-wash Olivia's sheets

-prepare Camper's oatmeal


I usually ask the kids to illustrate the scripture or poem.  Lately Olivia has been asking to choose the verse.  At first, she was choosing memory verses from school like the Golden Rule.  Then she chose a verse from Psalms that shocked me.  It talked about sinners and the wrath of God.  Last night, she chose Isaiah 1:28-29, "But rebels and siners (her spelling) will both be broken and those who forsake the Lord will perish.  You will be ashamed of your sacred oaks in which you are delighted..."  I asked her why she chose those verses and she said, "I picked it because we need to know not to do bad things."  My kids are my best teachers!


The front chalkboard displays the meal plan and verses about giving thanks.  Sarah chose to illustrate the verse that is on the board right now.  "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."  Colossians 2:6  When I asked what the propping stick was in her picture (we see them all the time here, especially on the papaya trees), she said it represented Jesus since we are supposed to be "built up in him".  I'm continuing to learn the impact that surrounding ourselves with scriptures makes on my family and on myself, and I feel like I'm taking baby steps with God using chalkboards and my children as my instructors


Kecia said...

Kids are amazing, aren't they? I love the propping stick. Wow.

The dB family said...

I am always amazed at what our children can teach us!
