Wednesday, August 14, 2013


One of the things that took me a while to get used to in the Solomon Islands is the way yard work is done. 
SITAG doesn't use a lawn mower, a weed eater, or anything like that.  Every weed is pulled by hand.  Freida works diligently, paying attention to each little weed that shouldn't be growing.  Especially the roots.
I'm reminded that I need to be more Solomon in my approach to life, paying attention to the little weeds and their roots and not just mowing over them in a hurry.


us5 said...

love that thought! 'Ahtay' pulled the weeds in our yard today by hand, too...

quilt'n-mama said...

great post my friend, I have been thinking a lot about this lately too as we weed in our garden, we have these weeds that easily break off at the ground level but they aren't really gone, they keep growing and become bigger and more of a problem as they branch out after breaking off... much like the little weeds in our lives...
praying for you friend!

Bartokhound said...

This makes me think of my Mom, who taught me to pull weeds by hand. It reminds me of the attention we need to give to the weeds in our own lives, just as you write, Joanna.
