Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"Bloggy" becomes IRL at Pinnacle Mountain

Since we took Julie and Tate underground on Friday, we decided to take them mountain climbing on Saturday.

Of course, mountain climbing in Arkansas is quite different from mountain climbing in their home state of Washington.
We chose Pinnacle Mountain to fit all ages and stages of our climbers. 
God gave us an absolutely gorgeous day, too!

After a snack break and lots of picture taking,
Aaron and the guys headed down the east side

while all of the girls chose to return the way we came, the west side of the mountain.

The guys said their side was more challenging.
But we enjoyed our route, the lovely view, and the cheerful company just fine without the extra challenge.
Once again, I'm amazed at how well this bunch of kids got along.  They chose to have a great time together.
The prize at the end of the hike was another picnic with more chocolate chip cookies!

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