Saturday, June 8, 2024

Summer 2023

"There are only two ways to live your life: survival mode or prayer mode. Survival mode is simply reacting to the circumstances around you. It is a pinball existence. And to be perfectly honest, it's predictable, monotonous, and boring. Prayer mode is the exact opposite. Your spiritual antenna is up and your radar is on. Your reticular activating system is on red alert. Prayer puts you in a proactive posture. In fact, the Aramaic word for prayer, slotha, means 'to set a trap'. Prayer helps us catch the opportunities God throws our way."
~Mark Batterson

I wanted to be as proactive and observant as possible while going through the prescribed year of cancer treatments. That meant taking lots of naps, but it also meant jumping on the opportunities God sent our way.

-Spending time with the Brigglers, dear friends who live way too far away but occasionally come visit our hometown.

-Taking almost daily walks with my sister-in-law and her darling little one

-Reconnecting with DJ when she drove through Arkansas

-Bumping into former students at the gym

-Soaking up every bit of summer produce we could find at the farmers market and preserving it to use throughout the year


Friday, June 7, 2024

Chemo Round #2

As I'm going back, catching up on the blog, and looking at the last year of God's faithfulness, I'm overwhelmed.

My community pulled together like crazy to support me and my family. The medical team at CARTI can't be beat. Aaron has logged hundreds of hours in waiting rooms, continuing his translation work.

People gave me fascinating books, like Brain Rules, to read while I sat in the chemo chair.

Others gave me gift cards for coffee to cheer me during chemo, and many others sent encouraging cards and notes. Every time the meds poured into my body, I took the family picture. These guys are my biggest cheerleaders.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

July 2023 Birthdays

Five July birthdays bring so many reasons to celebrate with our extended family!

So we pulled out the card game, Goatlords,

ate birthday cake, passed around the baby, and just enjoyed the precious time together.