Monday, September 23, 2024

Back in the Solomon Islands Again - February 2024

Aaron returned with two weeks left to work with the Lavukaleve translation team. Katherine did a great job in his absence. She continued with cello practice and with school.

The team tackled more portions of Matthew, slowly and carefully combing through each verse.

We're thankful that our translation consultant, Taylor, is a dear friend.

The team worked long hours and included some younger members of the translation team who are training to pick up the mantle that Ezekiel and Simon currently carry.

Technology made staying in touch easier!

Katherine and Aaron took some time at the end of their stay for a quick trip to Marulaon Village.

Before we left in 2021, I had written a welcome message on the chalkboard for Aaron.

Aaron took some pictures of people he knew were special to me, like my friend, Ofoaen, and her family.

Katherine and Aaron made the trip in a motor boat, traveling three hours one way.

This has become the only way to travel, because cargo ships no longer go out to our area of the Russell Islands. For quick trips with little baggage, this is fairly simple and easy. But if we want to stay in the village for longer than just a few days, we need to take more boxes of supplies along.


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