Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Between Christmas and New Year's

Hannah and Benjamin left to enjoy Christmas in Des Moines with her family, and the house got quieter,

but we kept soaking up every moment, knowing that life would go back to normal soon, as we scattered back to our various homes.

Aaron's dad had his leg amputated shortly before Christmas, so made a trip up to Fort Smith to spend some time with that side of the family.

We continued to make lots of music. Even with my neuropathy damaged fingers, I still love filling the house with song. 

We tried a fun, Star Wars themed coffee shop in North Little Rock: The Dark Side.

After the older girls left, we consoled ourselves with friends and climbed up Pinnacle Mountain.

The day was beautiful, and we enjoyed finishing 2024 strong in body as we climbed and strong in heart surrounded by community.

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