Saturday, September 14, 2024

Happy Birthday, Benjamin! (aka gingerbread house building day)

Birthdays and holidays don't always get celebrated on the correct day. During our years in the Solomon Islands, we learned that sometimes the church "transferred" a holiday, so we became adept at transferring special days.

As our family grows and spreads out, our times together grow more infrequent and more special. We celebrated Benjamin's birthday after everyone had finally gathered at our home. He didn't really want a big fuss and didn't even have a request for his birthday cake. So, we made a blackberry cobbler from the summer's blackberries in the freezer.

Not only is our time together infrequent, but it is also short. We jumped right in with creating this year's gingerbread house masterpiece.

Over the years, we've tackled various a traditional nativity sceneKing Herod's Palace, Moses and Egyptian pyramids, and the fiery furnace that housed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Other years, we just get a little bit goofy, and we don't try to follow a theme.

Christmas 2023, everyone worked together to build the Tower of Babel.

Appropriate because 1) Aaron is a Bible translator and

2) We all worked together toward one big project.

The tower, intentionally unfinished, was a delicious, architectural masterpiece!


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