Here is the new 2,000 raintank that we will hook up to our church in Marulaon. It will service about six villages in the West Russells. Thanks to donations from
this generous church and gifts given in memory of this amazing man...
...we were able to buy the raintank, guttering, nails, etc. and pay for the shipping on the Bikoi 2. The village will provide the timber, time and energy needed to build a platform for the tank and attach the guttering to the church roof. We are so excited to be able to offer water to quench our neighbors' physical thirst in addition to the Living Water to quench their spiritual thirst. Thanks to so many of you who gave to help out the Lavukal!!!
That is SO GREAT!! What a blessing!!
Yah!!!! I'm so glad it is ready to go! We will post at the church on Sunday, they are going to be so excited to see the picture!!!!
Love you guys!
Awesome!!!! We'll be praying for the perfect amount of rain to keep it sufficiently full!
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