Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Waiting for the Bikoi 2...

We just spent a couple hours at the wharf waiting for the Bikoi 2 to refuel so we could load. The crew keeps changing their minds about whether or not we can even get on the ship, or whether they are even stopping in the Russells, so Aaron went to the office and talked to the "boss" and reconfirmed that we could ride on the Bikoi 2. Since we still had a few loose ends left to tie up at the house, we are now back at SITAG for just a few minutes, then we are going to camp out at the wharf until the Bikoi 2 is ready for us to load and leave at who knows what time. We are so thankful that we know people all over the world are praying for us!

1 comment:

Nahna said...

Well, I don't know what time you finally left, but God woke me at 2:something and I was still praying after 3:00...again around 4:00 and so on. I pray that you are not arriving in the dark of night. I know that God has all of this in His hands, but after being there and moving from the Bikoi to the motor boat in the daylight, I don't want to do it in the dark...Just let us know as soon as you can that you are there safely.
We love you