Thursday, February 27, 2014

Listening for footsteps

"There is no greater happiness for a man than approaching a door at the end of a day knowing someone on the other side of that door is waiting for the sound of his footsteps."
~ Ronald Reagan
Our perspective today is from inside the house listening for those footsteps because Aaron is home!  We handled his absence better than ever before.  I'm so proud of my kids.  And I know we had people all over the globe praying for us.  Even though he isn't home right now because he's picking up another team at the airport, the entire atmosphere in our house is more peaceful and content now that he is back in Honiara. 

This morning is a "normal" school day, chugging away with piano practice and math problems, and we have a SITAG meeting this afternoon, but the smiles are a little bigger and our hearts are happier now that our family is complete again.


Abi's Blog said...

Love this! Thankful he is home.

Would appreciate prayers for our small community and church. One heart transplant; one car accident - a 14 hour surgery to save a leg; a house fire - family with three girls lost everything, but got out safely; also a long, ongoing illness for another couple's daughter- they have been constantly by her side since before Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the prayers!
Love and prayers,

LISA said...

Such a sweet post!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Love the quote! Isn't it funny how different it feels when he's just out of the house and when he's AWAY?

Glad you're all together again :D
