Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thursday, June 5

Monday, when we were weeding the yard, Leku came to tell me that Rodney, a friend's son, had died in Honiara.  We've been taking food over to my friend, Margaret, almost every day.  Yesterday, his body arrived mid-afternoon, and Aaron attended the funeral.

This morning, Gayly and I paddled in a dugout canoe with my friends Leku and Ruthie, in hopes of finding some shellfish.  

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Sarah went with us, too, she is fabulous at finding all of those little critters in God's big ocean.  We only found three of the shellfish for which we were looking (kalimeta), but my buddies found a handful of different shellfish for us to sample.  

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Leku showed us (and the crowd of children that gathered) how to clean the clamshells,
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then she let me try by myself.  

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Even Katherine cleaned one of those little critters, and she did a great job!  

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We walked back up to the house to try and figure out how to cook this nice little taste of the ocean and to show Gayly how to clean the kalimeta shells. 

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We boiled the shellfish first, then chopped it into small pieces and recooked it in coconut milk with some curry, green papaya, and some slippery cabbage.  I think it turned out okay, and we shared the rest with Leku and Ruthie.  Gayly certainly was a trooper to try these strange creatures for lunch, and she was our official photographer, too!


Anonymous said...

You brave, adventurous eaters! So glad you have a friend visiting and hope it's feeding your soul, Jo. Love you so much, and thanks for sharing a cool piece of your day.


Herding Grasshoppers said...

So good to see YOU in a pic, Joanna :D And three cheers for your intrepid friend - willing to try new things ;D
