Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How life looks when Aaron is gone...

Technology worked well enough in Fiji that Aaron was able to call through Facebook.  It was so nice to hear his voice and see his face!  He'll try to call again from Honiara, but we anticipate the internet being too slow.  At least we can email and stay in touch :-)

Just a few weeks ago, it was a race to the coffee pot in the mornings.  I've made the habit of starting my day with a cute little 8 ounce cup, leaving coffee in the pot for all of the other coffee drinkers as well as giving myself the security of a fresh second cup of coffee when we make a French press of coffee with breakfast (I'd rather have no coffee than old, burnt coffee.).  Then the college kids left.  So, Aaron and I began making half a pot to start the day.  Then my hubby left!  Now I'm the only one left who drinks coffee regularly.  The girls might have a little bit here or there, but coffee doesn't figure into their daily routines like it does mine.  Enter the BIG MUG.  Now I start my day with a monster cup of coffee.  At least for the next three weeks...

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