Friday, July 5, 2024

Back to School 2023

School started up in August, and I was halfway through the BIG 6 of the worst chemo treatments. We took every opportunity to transform doctor's appointments into coffee dates.

And my chemo bag always included snacks like Trader Joe's crunchy freeze dried okra. For some reason, it satisfied me during the long days of chemo. The sessions usually lasted about six hours. So I took lots of water, a family picture, and either ear buds to listen to a book or a real paper book.

I continued to receive encouragement in so many ways, as befitted each giver's personality. This bookmark came from one of our adopted kids.

The steroids I received at the beginning of each treatment usually made sleep challenging. I often found myself awake at 3 or 4 a.m., heart pounding and brain racing. So I made the most of it and got some things done, like dusting!

My gym community, including Katherine, kept me motivated and encouraged, even when I didn't feel like moving. I knew that by continuing to lift weights, I was giving my body its best chance to fight the cancer and to keep my immune system healthy.

Youth orchestra began rehearsals again, and Katherine thrived in the cello section. Her rehearsals gave Aaron and me a built in coffee and calendar date each week.

School also started back, and once again, I had the joy of working part time with the orchestra program that I love so much. The teachers and students were incredibly kind and encouraging and flexible with me. Every bit of energy that I had went into those few hours each day at school.

We made a trip up to JBU to help Olivia get settled in her new townhouse on campus.

No visit to Siloam Springs is complete without coffee at Pour Jon's

and a walk along Sager Creek.

When "Play Music on the Porch" day came around, a few brave students joined us for brunch and some music making.

Katherine started back to school, too. Her sophomore year included taking a class across the street at Central Baptist College as a dual enrollment student. We hope this is something she can do more often in the future!

Every three weeks, I went back to the chemo infusion room. We are so grateful to the people who gave us coffee gift cards to help make those long, uncomfortable days a little bit brighter.


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