Monday, July 15, 2024

September 2023

"May God give you intentionality to shape your weeks with his word, ingenuity to shower your days with his voice, and creativity to punctuate your life and the lives of those around you with fresh routines for regularly availing yourself of his life giving words."

The sweet book "Habits of Grace" encouraged me to keep pursuing the Lord, even through the worst of the chemo. It's not a cancer book, more of a spiritual growth book, but reading it refreshed me.

Something else that refreshed me was my gym buddies. Katherine captured my friend, Barbara, jumping alongside me after her workout. She noticed that I was struggling with box jumps and stuck with me until I had finished.

Working with the orchestra encouraged me, too. These students and teachers never failed to bring a smile to my face.

My grandmother's annual family reunion always brings joy. Her siblings and their descendants continue to gather, year after year.

The "big six" chemo treatments (the ones with all four drugs) continued to do their work in my body, every three weeks.

The cards continued to flood in and line my walls with hope and prayers.

Speaking of prayers, this book of prayers from Kate Bowler beautifully articulated many of my thoughts and prayers. For someone like me, who doesn't put together words very well, "The Lives We Actually Have" was a gift.

Another gift was spending time with Sarah Kate, a former student. Her son is growing fast, and it was good to go on a walk together while we caught up.

Aaron continued to work with the translation team as they had the finances and opportunities to come into Honiara where internet makes it possible to connect with each other.

And our Arkansas Black apple tree was absolutely loaded with fruit that made it through dry spells and squirrels and neighbors.

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