Thursday, February 20, 2025

Braids and Curls

"Stones, huts, bread, and boxes -- all these were outward displays of the inner life. They stood as both reminders and revelations of how the people of Israel were feeling their way toward and finding God. None of these practices added to their abundant life, the practice just recalled them to it and revealed their abundance to the world." ~Jamie Erickson, "Holy Hygge"

I love all of the tangible reminders of God's faithfulness found throughout the Old Testament. Currently, my biggest "outward display" of God's work in my life is my hair. The curls are slowly growing back, and every time I look in the mirror, I'm reminded of my community and how God provided them to buoy me through all of the hardships that cancer brought my way.

My hair is even getting long enough that Katherine wanted to braid it. My curls didn't cooperate like she had hoped, so I ended up with only partial braids, but that's a step in the right direction!

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