Saturday, February 15, 2025

Planting Seeds

"We may plant the seed, but we can't control how quickly it breaks into a bud. We can't govern the timing of the rain. At some point, we have to lay down our tools and just wait for the hidden work of God. We have to rest and rely on Him, trusting that He'll grow a great harvest out of our few tiny seeds." ~Jamie Erickson, "Holy Hygge"

It's that time of year again. When the bulbs begin to break through the cold ground and I start the process of growing my summer garden (one small seed at a time!).

Every year when I plant seeds, I'm reminded that I'm not the one responsible for growth, and my faith is strengthened as I trust in the "hidden work of God". This truth quietly reveals itself in my trays of seeds. in the Lavukal Bible translation project, and and in my own journey.


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