The flu hit our house pretty hard in January. I was the last one to succumb, I'm also taking the longest to recover. Thankfully, we're pretty good at taking care of each other around here, so we've taken turns nursing each other back to health. I'm so grateful for easy access to medicine and
ginger tea and all the things that make getting healthy in America a little bit easier! My orchestra students have put up with a voiceless teacher every day for more than a week and still work hard to make the rehearsals productive.

Our weekends have been full of good things. Nineteen years ago, I attended Arkansas All-State Orchestra auditions and couldn't judge the cellos because my brother was auditioning. This year, I attended auditions and couldn't judge the violas because my son was auditioning. While at auditions, I ran into one of our team teachers from Pine Bluff! Christie is an amazing musician and teacher, and I taught her kids before I started having my own. Coming full circle in the music world is so sweet.

Aaron and the kids recently traveled to share about Bible translation at First Baptist Church in Hazen, Arkansas. I stayed home in bed and missed them. It's always a joy to talk with people about what it's like to have God's Word in your heart language. Aaron and the girls are headed to Dallas this weekend to represent the Solomon Islands at a missions conference, but Benjamin and I will be staying behind to continue with school. The missions director at the church knew my grandparents when they were missionaries years and years ago. Another full circle, this time in the world of ministry, and even sweeter.