Monday, January 12
Outside my window...a cool rainy morning, it's been raining all night
I am thinking...about how much my tongue sets the attitude of our household and praying Proverbs 16:21, 23, & 24
I am thankful for...a good night's sleep!
From the learning rooms...Katherine fingerpainting for the first time and trying to eat the paint, Sarah writing a story from the perspective of a gold nugget in California in 1849, giggles in PE as we tried knee stands and duck walks inside while rain fell outside, Olivia's proud grinning over a math page well done, Benjamin begging to read ahead & pull another book off the shelf
From the kitchen...eggplant moussaka (eggplant are plentiful and cheap right now)
I am wearing...turquoise ruffly full skirt (thanks, Nancy), white t-shirt, bracelet handcarved and inlaid right here in the Solomon Islands
I am creating...lots of handwritten letters.
I am the botanical gardens on Friday
I am reading..."The Arts and Crafts Busy Book - 365 Art and Craft Activities to Keep Toddlers and Preschoolers Busy" by Trish Kuffner (we are ALL enjoying trying out the suggestions for my wanna-be creative brain)
I am hoping...that those of us who have colds will get better soon.
I am hearing...Tchaikovsky string quartets, the hum of the ceiling fans, and the sound of pages turning
Around the house...laundry flapping on the line on the front porch, washing machine whirring, the last box still waiting to be unpacked
One of my favorite things...when the Pittsburg Steelers win and the smile on my husband's face
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Continue with school and language learning, field trips (Where in Honiara...?) on Wednesday and Friday as we introduce our family to our new colleagues around town and learn more about this beautiful place
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

PE this morning as we practiced our knee stands (readiness for head stands) - Katherine just had to get in on the fun!
Knowing Aaron was smiling makes it worth cheering on the Steelers with you (especially since we can't root for our Titans). Precious picture - thanks for sharing!
In case we miss it, happy proposal-versary!
much peace and wideness of love....
And, yes, I'll root for the Steelers, at least next week. Steelers-Cardinals? Then you're on your own.
By the way, my anti-spam word is 'decabs.' As in, "How do you get from de hotel to de airport when it is raining outside?" "You take De cabs!"
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