Sarah and Benjamin performed in their first piano recital this afternoon using my old piano books. Our audience consisted of neighbors (who had two children of their children participate), a set of grandparents visiting the Solomons, and two adopted aunties, in addition to the proud parents and siblings. They did a great job, and this low key recital was the perfect introduction to the world of music. 
How I would have loved to hear the kids play their recital. I am proud of them...Thank you for the pictures...wishing for sound...that sounds selfish, but it is not...just a wish.
Love from Nahna and Papa
Too Cool!!! Would have loved to have been there!! Brings back lots of memories!
Bravo! Encore! We love you Sarah and Benjamin!
Hey Jo! I so am enjoying reading you blog on a regular basis! We continue to pray for you guys often. You're still on our "prayer wall" in our school room! So glad the kids got a recital of sorts. I've gotta figure out how to arrange one for my kiddos too! They're doing good in their lessons, just need that chance to perform in front of others! Love you guys!!
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