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Monday, February 9
Outside my window...SITAG staff leaving for a lunch break
I am thinking...about this quote, "Like everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion, but the creation of time and will, any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting and significant than any romance, however passionate." by W.H. Auden, and I'm so glad that I have a godly husband who is interested in both a happy marriage and a passionate romance
I am thankful for...great read alouds shared as a family, hearts thumping almost audibly as the book culminates
From the learning rooms...Missouri Compromise, Eli Whitney, Harriet Beecher Stowe, James Polk, Van Gogh and impasto painting, Sarah - math review, creating a Bill of Rights, Benjamin - math review, writing a narrative, Olivia - counting backwards to subtract, writing mechanics (series), Katherine - painting with brushes and stacking blocks, basketball free throws, more experiments with magnets, hymn study "Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
From the kitchen...curried lentils, rice cooked in coconut milk, stir fried veggies, papaya, worms & dirt for dessert to celebrate National Jello Week
I am wearing...seafoam green skirt, white t-shirt, hair in French twist (it's finally long enough!), opal pendant that was my grandmother's, bare feet
I am creating...jars of food to take to the village (a new skill for me!)
I am going...to help the kids polish their piano recital pieces
I am reading...the detailed instructions for the huge canner/pressure cooker I just bought from another family here at SITAG
I am hoping...two girls I befriended at church will accept my invitation to drop by and play after school
I am hearing...leftovers being warmed up in the microwave for lunch
Around the house...rice on the front porch left from Katherine playing in the rice box during school
One of my favorite things...listening in on my kids' converstions (as they eat lunch, they are discussing why they love to go to the dentist and what kind of toothbrush is their favorite)
A few plans for the rest of the week: preparing to leave on Friday, finalizing Valentines and treats for friends here and some to take with us to Munda, women's Bible study on Tuesday afternoon, Pijin learning each afternoon with Barbara, piano recital for the kids
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

from our family time the other night, Olivia as one of David's older brothers fighting the Philistines
I love listening to my children's conversations over lunch, too! Amazing the topics and insights they can come up with sometimes...and then sometimes, they are just plain funny. :)
After your mention of the Growing Creative Kids book in one of your Daybook posts, I ordered it from Amazon. It came over the weekend and I am so enjoying it so far! Thanks!
Praying for you as you prepare to leave and for safety in travel and God's perfect plan to be executed while you are there...
love the picture...
Have missed you all on the computer too much.
Love to all
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