Our internet connection continues to be out of order most of the time, but I did want to share a little bit from the last couple of weeks.
We are soooo thankful for your prayers while we were in Munda. The kids traveled well, and we feel like the trip was a big success! We even got to see the island of Marulaon (our new home) from the boat. Aaron said he wanted to jump out and swim!

Aaron observed the review process of some chapters of Exodus into the Roviana language, and every afternoon (after school work was finished) we had opportunities to interact with the community and practice our Pijin. One afternoon, Sarah taught some ladies how to make tortillas, and in exchange they taught me how to cook sour cabbage. We mixed some canned tuna in the cabbage and enclosed them in the tortillas - delicious! Another afternoon, we walked into town and toured the hospital and the translation office. Thursday afternoon, the scripture review team invited us to share a meal with them. On Friday nights, the couple with whom we stayed hosts a fellowship group for neighbor families, so we got to sing, study scripture, and play games. Some of the neighbors threw us a going away party on Saturday and gave us two beautifully woven fans. We attended church on Sunday and heard scripture, singing, and preaching in Pijin and in Roviana. That was HUGE! I even got to practice a new domain of Pijin when I made a trip to the clinic because of my ear infection. On the trip back, we befriended a little girl about four years old. She sat squeezed in with the girls while I tried to translate picture books into Pijin (have you ever tried to explain Dr. Seuss in another language?). She shared snacks with Katherine and tried out the Crayola Color Wonder markers and paper. We arrived home tired, but feeling one step closer to serving the Lavukal in the Russell Islands.
Aaron observed the review process of some chapters of Exodus into the Roviana language, and every afternoon (after school work was finished) we had opportunities to interact with the community and practice our Pijin. One afternoon, Sarah taught some ladies how to make tortillas, and in exchange they taught me how to cook sour cabbage. We mixed some canned tuna in the cabbage and enclosed them in the tortillas - delicious! Another afternoon, we walked into town and toured the hospital and the translation office. Thursday afternoon, the scripture review team invited us to share a meal with them. On Friday nights, the couple with whom we stayed hosts a fellowship group for neighbor families, so we got to sing, study scripture, and play games. Some of the neighbors threw us a going away party on Saturday and gave us two beautifully woven fans. We attended church on Sunday and heard scripture, singing, and preaching in Pijin and in Roviana. That was HUGE! I even got to practice a new domain of Pijin when I made a trip to the clinic because of my ear infection. On the trip back, we befriended a little girl about four years old. She sat squeezed in with the girls while I tried to translate picture books into Pijin (have you ever tried to explain Dr. Seuss in another language?). She shared snacks with Katherine and tried out the Crayola Color Wonder markers and paper. We arrived home tired, but feeling one step closer to serving the Lavukal in the Russell Islands.
Thanks for sharing! We were wondering how your trip went. I love the story of translating Dr. Suess! You are amazing to be able to learn a new language. I still have trouble speaking the one I've spoken all my life :-).
I have chills atop chills as I read that you got to see "your" island. It must have been exciting to actually know that it is there and you will soon be too.
It is more and more exciting as time grows closer, and less anxiety for this "mom".
I love you all so much and miss you too.
I love this! I'm excited for you as you move each step of the way. Praying all the way! Love you all!
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