While we were on hiatus from the internet, my friend Gayly honored our blog with this award. I find this humbling since we can't have any of the links or beautiful decorations that we would love to have (slow download here in the middle of the Pacific). Gayly beautifully exemplifies Christ's pouring out of himself. My sweet friend has a knack for finding ways to give of her time, energy, and creativity to help out others. She has a passion for adoption as it is a fantastic picture of what God has done for us. Thanks Gayly for all of the ways you encourage me and my family!
Here are the rules of "Your Blog is Fabulous." I have to list/describe five addictions and then pass the award on to five others. I'm not sure what counts as an addiction, but here are five of my passions:
1. God - I'm so thankful for His sovereignty and His gift of Jesus.
2. My superman of a husband - Emotion overwhelms me when I think of this man who has watched me grow up. He demonstrates his servant heart every day; he is truly my knight in shining armor.
3. My incredible children - four lovely small people who have seen the worst in me, yet spur me on to be a better example for them; I have the most amazing kids!
4. Bible Translation - I wish each of you could see what I see every Sunday as I sit in church. It is my strong desire that everyone be able to read God's Word in their heart language. Lives will be transformed!
5. Life Long Learning - books anyone? I love to learn (a passion instilled by my parents, I'm sure).
The 5 blogs on to which I am passing this award (with much fear and trepidation because I know I'm overlooking many friends)...go check out their blogs!
Ann, a friend from seminary days. She was my faithful walking buddy and prayer partner when we both lived in Mississippi, now she still keeps me accountable as she serves as a pastor's wife in Southeast Arkansas. Ann oozes thriftiness, creativity, and home management!
Stacie, another missionary mom who serves in Papua New Guinea. I've learned so much from her as I follow right in her footsteps in this journey on which God has led us both. She has shown me what it means to call God our Rock as she steps out of her comfort zone each day.
Ranae and Arin (twins separated at birth, I think). I know I'm cheating by naming two blogs, but these fantastic ladies, both clarinet players, are friends from my former life as a musician. It has been so fun to watch how we've picked up the mantle of full-time mothering. They are certainly making an impact by serving their families.
Jen is a new friend. She has known my inlaws for many years, but I just met her via the web. It has been fun to get to know her better, and she has a talent for sharing MY thoughts (can you read my mind, Jen?) with a gift for words. God didn't make me a writer, but I'm sure thankful He created Jen to express herself well with words.
Another Joanna, just a few steps behind us on the journey to serve overseas. She has such a sensitive heart to hear the Lord speak. Looking forward to following her family on their upcoming adventure!
Thanks, ladies, for encouraging me and holding me to a high standard! I'm so very thankful for the blessing of technology that enables friendships to blossom from faraway.
Howdy from Arkansas, Joanna! :D
Sorry I didn't head over to your blog last week - it was kind of crazy around here.
It's great to "meet" you.
I'm honored! Thank you, my friend.
Wow! Thanks! I love keeping up with your adventures through your blog and learning from you in your role as mother and teacher! Thanks! You are an inspiration!
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