Please take a moment to visit Peggy who hosts this thought provoking blog
For today...September 28, 2009
Outside my window...dark and quiet, with the occasional interruption by barking dogs
I am thinking...about being more intentional in teaching my children practical life skills (things like cooking, handling money, organizing & cleaning a house, child development - all subjects they listed as important)
From the learning rooms...History - WWII (still loving it!), Sarah - parallelograms, rhombuses & trapezoids, responding to literature, Benjamin - comparing fractions, antonym review, Olivia - math review, writing mechanics (series & commas), Science - looking at plants through the microscope, a day off to celebrate Aaron's birthday on Friday, continued listening, singing, & reading Lavukaleve
I am thankful for...those of you who continue to send pillow cases and bandaids with antibiotic ointment, your small gift makes a big difference to our national translators and our neighbors in Marulaon
From the kitchen...baked oatmeal for breakfast, lunch in town today because of our big shopping trip, baked spiced fish, "scalped" umalau, spiced pumpkin, and bush lime pie cooked by Olivia to close our day (it took four hours from start to finish!)
I am wearing...pink paisley pajamas, it's been a very long day
I am reading..."The Way They Learn" by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
I am hoping...that Aaron doesn't have malaria
I am hearing...the lovely quiet of night
Around the house...coloring sheets of Jackie Robinson displayed next to kids' drawings of a virus invading a cell, clothes hanging on the porch clothesline because of the overcast day, a 1000 piece puzzle of a Norman Rockwell print just started
One of my favorite things...a two year old on the porch wearing pink panties and her big sister's pink shoes while blowing me kisses
A few plans for the rest of the week...a meeting this afternoon with the literacy specialist to learn how to use our Lavukaleve primers, writing club for Sarah Tuesday and Thursday, Aaron's birthday on Friday, beginning the massive shopping to prepare for our next stay in Marulaon, helping each of the kids cook a complete meal with local food
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
a big moth we found on the back porch in the mop bucket, the kids were delighted!
Praying for no malaria.
Praying for lots of things in regard to the family...now, that Aaron does not have malaria. I need new Knee pads.
God is faithful and I know that He has His hand on you all.
The kids love the moth!!! We have been seeing butterflies and tonight we saw one of the moths that looks like a hummingbird! What amazing creations of our Lord!
Love you guys,
the Conards
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