They spoke against God saying, "Can God spread a table in the desert?" Ps. 78:19
Can God spread a table
In the wilderness?
Is our Father able?
Praise Him, Yes!...
For His word is stable,
He who yesterday
Spread a bounteous table,
Does today.
-Amy Carmichael

Yesterday during the afternoon break, I went upstairs to the SITAG office to check our mailbox. In it, I found a yellow envelope. Excitedly, I grabbed it and was surprised to find that it had no stamp or postmark. I opened the envelope to find only three things inside, and I stood there and cried. Somebody had given us three straps to hold Benjamin's glasses in place.
He lost his other strap during a walk in the rain on Marulaon. Aaron created a new strap from some string, but it has been a battle to get Benjamin's glasses to stay on his face. We have no idea who provided this gift for us. We have asked around and nobody seems to know how the envelope appeared in our mailbox. I know that a glasses strap seems like a little thing. But it was HUGE, a reminder that God is still involved in the little details of our lives, that He can still spread a feast when we feel like we are living in a desert.
I have chills reading your post! What an awesome God we have - he still sends his angels to surround us with his love. What a blessing. I'm praying for Aaron. Also - I had my fourth graders describe their room...(we did lots of writing) I'm going to try and find a poem that I used with that unit and send it to Benjamin. Have a blessed day!
It seems that what we see as a small thing, God uses to show us that He never forgets us. I remember at seminary I had just come home from the grocery store and used all my allowance when Noah decided to make his own glass of milk and spilled the entire gallon all over the floor. I knew I had no money to buy another. I was literally on the floor of my kitchen crying over spilled milk when Andrew walked in from work with a gallon of milk in his had. He said they had had a fellowship at the church the night before and had that gallon of milk left over and they asked if he wanted to take it home. Our God is so amazing and faithful!!!
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