Friday morning, we drove up to the Winspear Opera House to attend a performance of The Nutcracker ballet with friends from church.
I have never seen a performance quite like this one. In addition to Tchaikovsky's beautiful music (love those cello lines), we saw a flying carpet, angels dropping from the sky, and Clara floating off in a sleigh. We all enjoyed the morning. As soon as the ballet finished, we hopped in the van and munched on our tuna salad sandwiches from the ice chest while Aaron drove us down to Houston.

I'm so proud of my kids for how well they travel. They make road trips so much more pleasant because of their good choices. We met up with Uncle Daniel at House of Pies in Houston for a early supper.
And you can't leave House of Pies without trying the pie!
At one point we discovered that the mirrored dividers in between the booths created quite the hilarious picture if you sat just right. We laughed and laughed and laughed!
After supper, we made a quick stop to see my brother's apartment. He is one of the most creative people I know, always learning a new skill. We have beautiful paintings of our children by him, and now he is learning how to inlay wood.
He mounted our great-grandmother's Rose Willow dishes on the wall where they grace the dining nook. Don't they look great?
I love being close enough to family to make a quick drive and hang out for a little while. Four hours doesn't seem far when we usually live halfway around the world.
oh my goodness, I love hearing about your travels and so glad you got to see your brother but Shawn and almost died laughing at the picture of Katherine & Benjamin and the mirror booth divider!
That pie looked amazing too!
That's Benjamin's head on my body and Katherine's head on Aaron's body. We created quite a ruckus in the restaurant. That's what happens when siblings get together!
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