Saturday, December 27, 2014

Friday afternoon, December 19

After that fabulous birthday lunch, we took Jason and Kayla out to the garden to get some uvikola to make lelenga for tomorrow's ordination.  Sarah went along, too, she is quite capable with her big bush knife. 

On the way, we found some guys working on a canoe.  Our family has been watching every step of the way, from the day after they cut the huge tree down.  Their skill is fascinating!

We carried pineapple tops with us to plant in the garden, and we needed to find enough munu leaves to serve as insulation between the hot stones and the burlap sacks that go on top of the entire motu.

Jason and Aaron planted the pineapple tops while Sarah, Kayla, and I tried to find enough ripe cassava to make a tiny pan of lelenga.  Most of my cassava I planted in July, so it's not ripe yet.

When we got back from the garden, I found a ripe papaya on the tree right next to our house.

Then, we taught Jason and Kayla how to husk, cut open, and scrape a dry coconut, essential for cooking in the South Pacific.

A pianist's hands are super strong!

We hope to leave at 5:00 in the morning with a hot tray of lelenga as our food contribution for the ordination of the first Catholic Lavukal priest.  Should be a very exciting day!

1 comment:

Bartokhound said...

We are enjoying our coconut oil, remembering how it is extracted, and also wishing we were in Marulaon Village to have seen the maiden voyage of this wonderfully-crafted canoe!
