Sunday, May 12, 2019

Biking Buddy

"I had thought that we became a family the day we were married.  What I have found, though, is that the web starts as just one fine filament on that day and spins and spins around us as life presents itself to us day by day.  And on some days, the strands spin around us double-time, spinning us like a top and binding us like rubber cement."  ~Shauna Niequist, "Cold Tangerines"

We are definitely spinning like tops these days.  Thankfully, we've learned that our differences work to make us stronger together.  We even exercise differently!  This cute little park nearby has become a haven for us in the last few weeks.  With honeysuckle blossoming extravagantly, and goslings waddling around the trails, we're soaking up the beauty and the safe, smooth place to exercise together.

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