We watched the sun rise this morning as we loaded the van and with the help of some SITAG friends. The Bikoi was almost empty when we arrived and found our spots, but the ship quickly filled up about thirty minutes before it was scheduled to leave. We watched two boxes of pigs being loaded along with the people.
Our SITAG friends came to see us off - what a sweet sight to see their smiling faces amongst the swarms of people on the wharf.
As the ship revved its engines, rain began to fall lightly and we were thankful to not have to endure the blazing sun. We enjoyed smooth seas and found a couple of people from Marulaon on the ship, too.
The rain only continued a little way, but the skies stayed overcast providing a great day to travel! The showers picked up again when we arrived in Marulaon, so we rode the motor canoe to the shore in the rain.
Our friends were so kind and helped us carry the boxes and buckets and gas cylinders up the hill as always, and we got to meet the ladies from SWIM (short term work in missions) who came to teach a sewing workshop, hold a children's program, and do some medical work.
We found that four of our papaya trees had blown over and another couple have some kind of fungus that makes the fruit fall off while it's still green. Our two beds of Chinese cabbage only yielded enough for one meal for us, the green beans didn't grow, the bell pepper plants all died, the pumpkin vines all died, but the root crops did great!
Our big rain tank has been enjoyed by neighbors in our absence, so it's down to about 1/3 full. I'm praying for a generous heart and for more rain. It's nice to be back home in our beautiful Marulaon!
Prayers for rain and sunshine is good balance and for the health of all there with you. God's timing is always perfect, though sometimes, His timing is certainly not ours.
May He be glorified in all His provisions for your family.
Love you all.
Praying for that generous heart AND for more rain!
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