Thursday, April 24, 2014


I've been re-reading my well underlined copy of "The Power of a Positive Mom".

"The positive affirmation we give our children is the gasoline we put in the tank of their car.  The car has value whether we put gas in the tank or not; but if we want the car to go somewhere and stay in good condition, we need to fill it up with quality fuel.  Our kids have great value.  The more we fill them with the fuel of encouragement, the more energy they will have to reach their goals and follow their dreams."  ~Karol Ladd 

Especially in the chaos of packing and moving, I needed the reminder to "fill up" my kids with encouraging words.  It's too easy for me (and for them) to focus on each child's shortcomings.  So for the next little while, each of my precious treasures has a personalized vehicle with a pocket for kind and encouraging words.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Isn't that the truth! Good for you. I wish I had also filled my children with more positive theology. Not just telling them Jesus died for their sins but how He lived for them, too. Hopefully I will have grandchildren oneofthesedays to tell these things to.