Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ebola Virus

Sonlight Curriculum suggests that the students follow current events.  Today's assignment was to follow the ebola virus epidemic, and one of the articles really grabbed our attention.
There are two epidemics in the world today. The first is a troubling spread of the Ebola virus in poor countries in Africa, an outbreak that is the result of poverty, inattention by those countries' political leaders, and a general lack of concern by the wealthier nations about epidemics that don't yet seem to directly affect them.
But the second epidemic is a more dangerous one. It is a spreading lack of compassion, characterized by disaster fatigue, helplessness in the face of war refugees, intolerance for immigration, and now, the desire to ban even American citizens who are sick and need our help. The second epidemic seems harder to contain than the first, but it is every bit as important.


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Isn't that tragic - and so true. May God give us mercy.

Leslie said...

Wow, CNN said that? I'm impressed.