Monday, February 23, 2015

Marulaon Woman's Daybook

Just for today...Tuesday, February 17
Marulaon house
On my bookshelf..."The Journey from Alabama to Austronesia and Beyond" by Jerry Allen. Really more of a journal of how God used people to pour into Jerry's life and then how he was able to pour into others, this book contains sections about the Allens' time in the Solomon Islands. The descriptions of ship travel in the early 1990's made me laugh, they are still true today!
From the learning rooms...Sarah made a model of the parts that make up the singing apparatus as part of her study of the voice.  Sarah and Benjamin get to finish up their biology dissections with a fish and a frog on Wednesday and Friday.
vocal mechanisms Tues 2.17
Pondering these words..."Contentment is learned by accepting life each day as God gives it to you, and adjusting your expectations to life's limitations."  ~Sally Clarkson
A few plans for the rest of the week...Aaron has a meeting in Karumulun tomorrow with some members of the translation committee.  We're hoping they move forward with building the translation office and praying for their wisdom in future planning.
A peek into my corner of the friend, Isabella, who always makes "bun cake" to sell at Marulaon's market on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.
Isabella TUES

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