Monday, October 2, 2017

All in the Nest

Sarah came home last weekend to help us celebrate a couple of special days.

The first one was the Arkansas South All-Region Orchestra.  As I sat and listened to the rehearsals, I was overwhelmed at how much I had missed being a part of this world.  And this time I got to share it with Benjamin.  He has worked on his viola super hard all summer and into the fall to make up some lost ground.  And he made 5th chair!  It was a joy to listen to the improvement in just two days of rehearsals and to watch the kids give their best as they worked with the clinicians.

The second special event was Katherine's tenth birthday.  It's hard to believe we've had that sweet girl around for ten years!  And it's also difficult for me to fathom that we've been a part of the world of Bible translation in the Solomon Islands for that long, too.  Katherine was born in the middle of linguistic school for Aaron and me.

Sarah and Katherine made birthday cake according to Katherine's specifications.

And the laughter rang as we stayed up way too late drinking coffee and catching up with our college student whom we love so much.

1 comment:

The dB family said...

incredible how quickly the time goes!! You have a college student now too!! How did that happen!;-)