Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday Favorite Five

Today we leave for America.  Again.  This time, we will fly the "wrong way"...around the world through the Middle East (because COVID).  Our transition will be a bit longer due to our self imposed quarantine and a side trip to celebrate with our college kids before we move into our house in central Arkansas.  So many wise people have written well about cross cultural transition, so today's Friday Favorite Five is a special resource for those who join us in moving around the world:

*Laughing in the Face of Transition (I might add that Dude Perfect has become one of our favorite laugh producers)

*10 Things to Tell Yourself During Transition (#2 Ask for grateful for the people on both side of the globe who are willing to help us in the midst of the chaos!)

*Finding God in the Fog of Massive Transitions ("I know I'm relaxing in Jesus when...")

*Transition - Building a RAFT

*Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First ("How you process your own emotions and work through challenging situations directly impacts how your child will do so. This doesn't only impact their "little years" but sets the patterns for the rest of their life.")

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