Tuesday, April 27, 2021


I usually try to post here in real time, or at least somewhat close to the day events transpire.  But the last month of traveling and moving and hardly opening my computer have delayed posting and given me a different perspective.

In hindsight and with some reflection, the journey of the last month shines even more than it did in real time.  And in the midst of living, each day surely shone brightly!  On the road between Dallas and the college kids, we found a cute (and inexpensive!) coffee shop in Oklahoma...Freedom in a Cup.  Perfect for a much needed pit stop.

Sarah had supper ready for us when we arrived.  A family favorite: chicken pot pie.  Her comfort food filled my belly, and hanging out with my favorite people in the world filled me heart.

On Good Friday, extra people filed through the house all day long.  One of the reasons we chose a large Airbnb?  So we could have room for hosting during our week in Siloam Springs.  So while I kneaded dough for hot cross buns, a table full of students played games.

Spring in Dallas cheered my season-missing heart, and we experienced a repeat as we transferred farther north.  Daffodils, redbuds, dogwood...everything was bursting into bloom.  The mornings were cool and beautiful for a walk around the historic neighborhood, which made my heart sing even more.  As my friend in Dallas reminded me, I'm still in the honeymoon phase of transition, and I hope it lasts for a very, very long time.

After hot cross buns had been shared and consumed, our family plus some extras attended the Good Friday service at Sarah and Benjamin's church.  As we sang, the sun fired up the beautiful stained glass windows behind us.

Sarah used Saturday to bake all of the goodies for her recital reception.  The huge kitchen and work space certainly came in handy!  Aaron drove several hours to attend his uncle's funeral, but everybody else prepped for the head chef.  While she put the finishing touches on her baked goods, we settled in with the Met's daily opera.

After supper, a few of Sarah's friends and their family members joined us to make Resurrection Cookies.  After the "tomb" was sealed with the cookies inside, we circled up to play a new family favorite, Goat Lords.  Aaron got home in time to play with us, and our borrowed house reverberated with laughter until well past our bedtime.

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