Monday, March 14, 2022

Fabulous (second half of) February


In February, it was time to plant seeds for summer veggies and flowers,

we've never tried raising any food from seeds, but Baker Creek Seeds gave us so many heirloom seed choices.  We're excited to see what happens in the coming weeks!

Katherine's youth orchestra concert was postponed to February because of COVID, and we loved getting to watch her gain experience in a full orchestra.

My cello went in the shop in February.  It's getting basic repairs now, and we're saving up for it to have some major repairs in the future.  When I was growing up, we either traveled to St. Louis or Dallas for instrument repairs, so we are super grateful to have Little Rock Violin Shop nearby!

February brought a mix of icy days and days with beautiful weather, and we took advantage of the blue skies to meet some preschool friends at the park for lunch.

February also gave me new opportunities to learn things at the gym and to step outside my comfort zone.

We continued to share with churches about Bible translation,

and Katherine received an invitation to attend an Arkansas Symphony rehearsal to observe a violin soloist.  While the students were taking pictures with the soloist, Katherine quietly visited with one of her heroes, her cello teacher, Mr. Buck.

At the end of the month, Aaron served on a panel with some other missionaries as they spoke about the importance of Bible translation and how it impacts missions.  He was the youngest one up there, and we enjoyed the time to visit with these guys I've known and watched almost my entire life.  The men on the stage represented work in the Pacific, Central America, Mongolia, and Africa.  What a special night!

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