Saturday, August 31, 2024

Fall Break 2023

 "Our concern for discerning God's voice must be overwhelmed by and lost in our worship an adoration of him and in our delight with his creation and his provision for our whole life."

~Dallas Willard, "Hearing God"

One of my favorite things about hanging out with young adults is their joy and delight in trusting and worshiping the Lord.

Somehow their soft hearts slough off the crusty edges of my own heart as we all recount the many ways the Lord has provided in the past and will continue to provide in the future.

So when Olivia asked if she could bring home several friends for Fall Break, we quickly responded with a big YES! Playing games like Goat Lords, roasting marshmallows for s'mores, lifting weights at the gym, and laughing together quickly refilled our tanks.


So grateful for these JBU students and their willingness to come spend some time with us.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Happy birthday, Aaron!

October 2023 - In a rare opportunity for all seven of us to spend time together, we celebrated Aaron's 50th birthday in Houston.

First, we helped Benjamin and Hannah empty their storage unit and complete the move from their old apartment which was destroyed by a fire,

to their new apartment. Kind and generous people donated furniture and clothes, and we cleaned and unpacked and laughed and washed dishes and ate birthday cheesecake made by Sarah and did laundry to help them get settled. Living far away is challenging, but we were so grateful that we had already planned to be around and had the availability to assist.

For the grand finale, we went to a Pittsburg Steelers football game, a true celebration for this guy who has been a big fan since he was tiny.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Happy Birthday, Katherine!


September 2023 - Katherine began her 16th birthday at the gym. Three generations of our family stewarding our bodies well and encouraging each other!

She has become quite the chef, often preparing breakfast for Aaron and me while we are out on our "walky talky" in the wee hours of the morning.

For Katherine's birthday present, she wanted to try rock climbing at Climb Conway, which offers a special package for your first experience. Katherine's tenacity and strength was inspiring!

In addition to turning 16, Katherine recently earned her CPR certification

and her driver's license.

One of the few traditions she enjoys for her birthday is going out to eat at Los Tres Potrillos.

But Katherine still makes her own birthday tiramisu.