Saturday, August 31, 2024

Fall Break 2023

 "Our concern for discerning God's voice must be overwhelmed by and lost in our worship an adoration of him and in our delight with his creation and his provision for our whole life."

~Dallas Willard, "Hearing God"

One of my favorite things about hanging out with young adults is their joy and delight in trusting and worshiping the Lord.

Somehow their soft hearts slough off the crusty edges of my own heart as we all recount the many ways the Lord has provided in the past and will continue to provide in the future.

So when Olivia asked if she could bring home several friends for Fall Break, we quickly responded with a big YES! Playing games like Goat Lords, roasting marshmallows for s'mores, lifting weights at the gym, and laughing together quickly refilled our tanks.


So grateful for these JBU students and their willingness to come spend some time with us.

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