Thursday, January 2, 2025

Christmas Day

As our family grows, we have to plan farther and farther ahead for the times when we all gather. We knew that the #meatcheato "Christmas Day" wouldn't be on the 25th of December this year. As long as we can find time for all of us to be together, it doesn't matter to us which day it is!

On the morning of December 25th, Sarah was the only one of our young adults at our house, so she joined me at the gym. Spending time with her is always a joy! I'm still trying to regain my strength, and I'll take all the accountability I can get.

A former orchestra student has a food truck, and she was making tamales on Christmas Day, so I ordered two dozen to be picked up for lunch. I think we have begun a new tradition!

Our wreath keeps adding candles all the way to Epiphany. I love the end of the day when we all gather round, often in our pajamas, and listen while Aaron reads and the candles flicker.

Hannah and Benjamin arrived in time to play Catan History - Settlers of America, one of our family's favorite games. I still can't stay up as late as the rest of the family, but I sure do enjoy them being in our home.


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