Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wed & Thurs of Holy Week

Wednesday, April 20 Seems like our mola (canoe) came just at the right time to be the community taxi.  Yesterday, David, Eileen's husband, came and asked to borrow the canoe and our paddle because he could see the tuna running.  Last night, he brought us three nice tuna!  This morning at market, Isabella asked to borrow the canoe so she could go to her prenatal checkup.  So thankful we have the mola to share with our neighbors!

Since this is Holy Week, we have our normal morning and evening prayer services, but the catechists have added an extra service each night at 9:00.  The bells ring each day just like they would on a Sunday, so we get about 70 bongs somewhere between 5 and 6 a.m., then a double bell about half an hour later, then a single bell immediately followed by the drums about 20 minutes before the service actually starts.  Around 3 p.m., we get a whole bunch of bongs again, a double bell around 4 p.m., and a single bell around 5 p.m. followed by the drums.  At least for the 9 p.m. service, they only beat the drums to call everyone to prayer.

Thursday, April 21 Katherine's eyes continue to respond to prayer and the meds we brought out to Marulaon.  She has been so great about keeping her fingers out of her eyes and so sweet when her daddy puts medicine in her eyes that makes them fuzzy.  This morning when she got up, she asked if we could get the "skunks" out of her eyes!  Evidently, we've been using the word "gunk" to describe the yellow stuff oozing from her eyes.  I usually eschew baby talk, but I think I'm going to help her wipe her skunks away until this infection clears up.

Watching Katherine grow (both in body and mind) delights our whole family.  She recently drew a picture on the chalkboard.  Benjamin was first, then came Mama, much taller.  Then she drew herself, seemingly floating in space.  Lastly came her Daddy, standing on the ground with Benjamin and Mama, but taller than everybody.  When I asked her about the picture, she told me that she was standing behind me.  I was delighted and shocked at her perception of space. 

Katherine chalk picture

She's also really good about recognizing authors and illustrators.  Right now her favorite is P.D. Eastman.  I was reading her "Robert the Rose Horse" the other day, and as usual I read her the title followed by the author and illustrator.  When I told her that the book had been illustrated by P.D. Eastman, she beamed at me and said, "Just like 'Are You My Mother?'!".  That girl could read books all day!


Anonymous said...

The little details about Katherine growing up are a DELIGHT! So sorry a bird flew up in her eyes and pooped in them, but I do love hearing about how she's developing and understand her world.


Kecia said...

I LOVE watching kids grow and develop! (and the pink eye song in the other post cracked me up!!)