Friday, January 13, 2012


My amazing husband has the knack and the stamina to be our packer-in-chief, and I'm so thankful!  Today also happens to be our proposal-versary.  Fifteen years ago, Aaron asked me to marry him.  So, even though today has been a crazy busy day, I've heard "happy proposal-versary" at least a dozen times today as we pass (and smooch) each other in the hall.  This is what the "packing room" looked like early this morning as the sun was streaming through the windows:

I took a break from packing just before lunch to walk up the hill and say goodbye to some friends from Marulaon.  They are moving way out east in the Solomons because of a new job.  It was good to see them one more time and hold their sweet baby girl who has the fattest cheeks you've ever seen!  Wish I had taken the camera.

This afternoon, I drove Sarah and one of her friends to the hospital to deliver some blankets and a cap.  I know, it seems crazy in this climate, but you ought to see how those mamas bundle up their babies!  These two young ladies (along with a SITAG colleague) have been crocheting blankets for newborns. 

The girls also took some of their own money and delivered everything to the nurse in charge of labor and delivery.  I'm super proud of them!

When we returned to SITAG, it was time to load the truck with our boxes for the village.

One of the things I love about our SITAG family is that everybody works together.  We really do feel like family.

And the truck just kept getting fuller and fuller...

...until finally they had everything strapped down and headed out to the warehouse.  I think I really like this loading 36 hours ahead of time instead of only 12 hours.

As soon as Aaron returns, we'll head over to visit some more SITAG family for supper.  Again, everybody has been so generous to help us through this transition.  Because it's our proposal-versary, and Aaron proposed with a container of Rocky Road ice cream, we made some Rocky Road (with marshmallows that just came in a care package from our sending church) to share with our hosts tonight.  It has been a great day!

1 comment:

Abi's Blog said...

Wow the girls did a great job on the blankets - I tried to learn to crochet when I was a girl - I think my granny gave up! Glad you and Aaron had a good day! Thinking of you today - my Christmas packing up reminds me a little of your village packing - except I'm not as fast...Ha.
Blessings and prayers,