Saturday, November 17, 2012

Please pray...

Aaron just left the house to take his comprehensive exams to complete his Masters in Applied Linguistics.  The test will last from nine to four today, and we covet your prayers for mental clarity and good communication skills as he writes out his answers.

The funny thing is, in the spring of our senior year of college, I had all my paperwork in to the University of Texas for grad school.  I only lacked my audition when I was encouraged to get some teaching experience before I pursued my Master's degree.  Now, I'm learning so much teaching my own children.  Aaron was always saying that one degree was enough for him.  Now he's the one finishing his second graduate degree!  We both know that the letters behind your name don't tell the whole story, and we're thankful for the knowledge that we've been able to acquire through formal and informal education.  The best part?  

All of the amazing people that have impacted our lives along the way.  And we're not finished yet.

1 comment:

Betsy de Cruz said...

I hope your husband's test went well. My husband is forcing himself to eek out the final revisions of his doctoral dissertation. I'm crossing my fingers that he'll be completely done in December!