Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Arkansas Symphony Youth Ensembles

 Thirty-one years ago, my Saturday routine included a 1976 red Dodge Dart.  Every Saturday morning, my dad and I would pile into this vehicle with no air conditioner, drive through McDonalds for coffee and a sausage biscuit, and make the drive to Little Rock where I had a morning cello lesson.  

When I finished my lesson, Daddy drove me over to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock for a 2 1/2 hour rehearsal with the youth orchestra.  As one of the youngest members, playing with this ensemble was a huge kick in the pants for me.  I have a way of finding places that are desperate for cellists.  Or for orchestra teachers.

For the last semester, Katherine has been the one starting her Saturday with her daddy driving her to rehearsal in Little Rock, and another one of her favorite guys conducting her orchestra.  The Arkansas Symphony Youth Ensembles have expanded from two orchestras to four.  This opportunity is sweet and brief, but Katherine's goal is to keep gaining ground on her cello even while we are back in the Solomon Islands, so she can jump right back into a higher orchestra when we return.

If you'll look closely, you'll see a shiny head in the viola section.  Aaron got to play the claves for the last piece.  Who knew that his debut as an alum would be in percussion?!?

1 comment:

Herding Grasshoppers said...

I love this! And I'm assuming the addition of Aaron on the claves (I had to look up what they were!) is related to the conductor's Mexican-looking garb?!